Bury Me In My Rings is a singular vision, in what is The Elected's strongest work to date. For longtime listeners, there are new sounds to enjoy, such as the mid 70's Bowie bounce of 'Go For The Throat,' or the calculated 'Miss You' era Stones cum early Talking Heads groove of 'Babyface.' Signature tones remain, and can be found on the island sunset serenade 'Trip Round the World,' with the melodic slide of the lap steel, the comforting pluck of a ukulele, offering new ears a sense of what's come before.
More than a mere dalliance, this former side project now begs the attention reserved for one's main focus. As the ghosts of Rilo Kiley fade into the ether, Bury Me In My Rings presents the man responsible an opportunity to further himself from the past, and to continue to develop his artistic identity.