Proghma-C is subject to constant metamorphoses, experiments, and most of all, the incessant will to create music, which will always remain an undiscovered realm of beauty. The band combines trance, ambient, rock, pop, new age, death, fusion and progressive influences to form their own unique sound. After a few years of finding their own way, with vocals as the fourth ingredient, Proghma-C recorded their first EP entitled Down In A Spiral (2005). Although Down In A Spiral was never released by a record label, it has received positive acclaim among fans of the genre in Poland and abroad.
The year 2009 was a milestone for Proghma-C. The band recorded their first LP Bar-do Travel supervised by Szymon Czech in Studio X in Olsztyn. Proghma-C concerts create a mystical, trance-like atmosphere of a multi-media spectacle combined with guest performances by artists representing many different, sometimes unexpected art forms.