Two voices are better than one -- or so goes the mantra of believers in the cult of Peggy Sue. Best friends and creative compatriots Katy Young and Rosa Slade, along with drummer Olly Joyce, bob and weave their soulful, R&B-ready voices in and out of complex vocal interplay achieving sonic qualities all their own. A folk power trio of sorts, Katy, Rosa and Olly blend minimalist drums, acoustic guitars, accordion and strings into a soul-folk shotgun blast that is much more than the sum of its parts.
Emotionally, the album centers on the darker side of love, with sharp-penned one liners smoldering like embers ignited by the breath of Klaw and Rex's voice and furious strumming. A folk-punk wake-up call and their debut full length, Fossils and Other Phantoms signals Peggy Sue as one of the UK's most promising imports.