In line with the album title, you could really speak of a wonderful collision of different stylistic means, experiences and styles. The ambiguous album title refers mainly to the haunting lyrics penned by singer Tom Englund. 'It's about that personal struggle in life,' he says, 'about traumas and the inner chaos which we all feel inside ourselves. We go through a life in which situations, points of view and perspectives change all the time, we permanently encounter major collisions which we have to face. Some elements on Glorious Collision are classic rock, based on a metal format, sometimes the tracks are quiet and haunting, sometimes wild, demanding and gripping.'
The band's tour plans are currently also being carefully weighed up and prepared. Naturally, Evergrey are eager to return to the stage, particularly as their songs tend to develop their true intensity and vitality in their live shows. Englund: 'Evergrey are and have always been a live act who earn their audience the hard way. Of course, this also applies to Glorious Collision.'