Dave Van Ronk Down In Washington Square: The Smithsonian Folkways Collection
Release Date: October 29, 2013
Label: Smithsonian Folkways

Called 'The Mayor of MacDougal Street,' Dave Van Ronk (1936-2002) was a leading figure in the Greenwich Village music scene for more than four decades. He epitomized the urban folksinger - apprenticing through immersion in the music revival's New York City epicenter of Washington Square Park. A raconteur as well as a 'guru on the mountain,' he taught and advised musicians including Bob Dylan, Danny Kalb, Christine Lavin, Jack Hardy, Suzanne Vega, Bill Morrissey, and many more. His legacy as a singer, guitarist, songwriter, and grand mentor of the folk and blues revivals is collected in a 54-track, 3-disc set featuring 16 previously unreleased recordings.